Ade 3.0 Download Mac

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  1. Ade 3.0 Download Mac Iso
  2. Ade 3.0 Download Mac Download


This tutorial describes how to install the Adobe Digital Editionssoftware (ADE) version 3.0.1 on Linux using wine version 1.6 andsetup your Kobo eReader, Kobo Touch, Kobo Mini, Kobo Glo, Kobo Glo HD,Kobo Aura, Kobo Aura HD, Kobo Aura H20, Kobo Aura One or other KoboeInk eReader.

Also covered is how to download an eBook from your local libraryand transfer it to your Kobo eReader.

These steps were documented using both kubuntu 16.04 and kubuntu 12.04which use the K Desktop Environment (KDE). These steps should work onother ubuntu based distributions, and should serve as a guide forother GNU/Linux distributions.

This tutorial is based on the previous tutorialHow to Setup Adobe Digital Editions 1.7.2 with Kobo eReader on Linux.

Articles in this section. Uninstalling Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) on your computer; Transferring an ebook from ADE to an ereader device; Importing your own ebooks in to the Ebook Reader (Android). Download Digital Edition 4.5.11 Windows (8.24MB) Seamless fulfillment of books across devices: With ADE 4.5.11, when a consumer fulfills a book on one device, the book will be automatically downloaded to all the other devices that belong to this consumer (activated using the same user ID).


  • Prepare for Installation
  • Install Wine
  • Install Adobe Digital Editions
  • Troubleshooting

Prepare for Installation

Sign Up for an Adobe Account

Ensure you have an Adobe account.

An Adobe account is required to use protected content with your KoboeReader.

If you do not have an Adobe account then sign up for an Adobeaccount at the following webpage: My Adobe account

Uninstall All Prior ADE Versions

If you previously installed ADE, then be sure to deauthorize anduninstall all ADE versions. The reason is because Adobe permits alimited number of device registrations per Adobe account. If theauthorization from a previous installation is not freed up, then youmay have one less device that can be used with the Adobe account.

To Deauthorize:

Start ADE, and then press Ctrl+Shift+D and follow prompts todeauthorize.

To Uninstall:

Start wine uninstaller in a terminal window with:

Select Digital Editions, click Modify/Remove, and follow promptsto remove the application.

TIP: Separating Windows Program Installs with WINEPREFIX
If not set, the default location wine uses to install programsis ~/.wine.
The tilde character ~ represents your home directory (forexample /home/your-user-name).
You can change the WINEPREFIX to a different directory, which can behelpful to separate one Windows program from another, especially ifthese require different versions of software libraries.
For example:
export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-ade3
Further you can specify windows 32-bit architecture on a 64-bitcomputer with the following:
export WINEARCH=win32

Be sure to uninstall ADE from all WINEPREFIXes used on your computer.

Backup and Remove My Digital Editions Folder

If you have previously downloaded eBooks with ADE then this step isneeded because ADE seems to crash frequently when migrating existingADE content.

  1. Make a backup of the My Digital Editions folder.

  2. Remove the My Digital Editions folder.

The backup is for if you have purchased and downloaded eBook contentusing ADE. If you only have content from the library, then thisbackup will not be needed and can later be deleted.

Install Wine

In the following steps we will install the wine application.

Wine is a free software application thatenables Windows applications to run on GNU/Linux. The name wine is arecursive acronym for Wine Is Not an Emulator.

Install Wine on GNU/Linux

ADE 3 appears to require at least wine version 1.6 or higher. Thisversion is included in both kubuntu 14.04 and 16.04, but not 12.04.See note if you are using kubuntu 12.04.

  1. Open a terminal window.

    In KDE, select the menu option: K --> System --> Konsole(Terminal).

    TIP: Opening a terminal in other desktop environments
    You can often open a terminal window using the following steps:
    a) Press Alt+F2 to open a run command prompt
    b) Enter 'xterm' without the quotes

  2. Install wine, winetricks, and winbind.

    Note with Kubuntu 16.04 the wintricks version installed was20140817.


    If prompted Do you accept the EULA license terms?, pressTAB to Yes and then ENTER.

    Note that the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package (a prerequisitefor wine) on kubuntu 16.04 fails to download andale32.exe, andhence some fonts are missing. This will be addressed later with acorefonts install under winetricks. Alternatively if you wish toaddress the problem now, see“Failure to download extra data files” with ttf-mscorefonts-installer on Ubuntu 16.04.

    NOTE: Upgrade to Wine1.7 on Kubuntu 12.04
    On kubuntu 12.04 we need to install a newer version of winethan that shipped with the distribution.
    1. Add ubuntu-wine repository, and update repository listings.
    Throughout these steps you should follow prompts as directed.
    For example when adding the repository you will see Press [ENTER]to continue or ctrl-c to cancel adding it, so press ENTERas instructed.
    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
    sudo apt-get update

    2. Install wine version 1.7 and winetricks.
    sudo apt-get install wine1.7 winetricks

    Note that many additional packages will be installed includingwinbind.
    If prompted Do you accept the EULA license terms?, pressTAB to Yes and then ENTER.

Fix Wine Not Shown in Menu on Kubuntu 16.04

Ade 3.0 Download Mac Iso

To workound the missing wine menu issue in kubuntu 16.04 use thefollowing steps:

  1. Edit /etc/xdg/menus/ file.

  2. After <DefaultMergeDirs/> add the following line:

  3. Save the file, and you might need to reboot to see the updatedmenus.

This wine menu problem was reported in the following upstream reports.

Configure Kobo Drive Letter in Wine

In order to use Windows applications with your Kobo eReader on Linux,we need to set up a permanent floppy drive letter mapping in wine.

  1. Ensure your Kobo eReader is not plugged in to your computer.

  2. Set wine variables.

    Be sure to set these wine variables in each a new terminalwindow you open for this tutorial.

  3. Start the Wine configuration application.

  4. Select the Drives tab of the Wine configuration window.

    Click on the Drives tab.

  5. Add a drive letter for your Kobo eReader.

    Click Add...

    NOTE: Already have /media/your-user-name/KOBOeReader Drive Mapping?
    If you already have a/media/your-user-name/KOBOeReader or/media/KOBOeReader drive mapping then skip adding a drive letter.Only one drive mapping set to Floppy drive is needed foryour Kobo eReader.

  6. Accept the next available drive letter.

    Click OK.

    In this example the drive letter D: has been selected andwill be used in the subsequent step.

  7. Select the first drive letter to be mapped to the KOBO eReader.For example, drive letter D:.

  8. Set the path for the drive mapping.

    Click in the Path: text entry box and enter the followingtext.

    For Ubuntu 14.04 and higher:


    For Ubuntu 12.04:

    Note that upper and lower case is important!

  9. Display the advanced settings in the Wine configuration window.

    Click Show Advanced.

    Set the Type: to Floppy disk.

  10. Accept the Wine configuration settings.

    Click OK.

Kobo eReader Wine Notes

While creating this tutorial I discovered some interrelations betweenwine and my Kobo eReader that might be useful to you. These notes arefor information only so feel free to skip ahead to the next section,

  • By default Wine stores items such as the registry and C: drivecontents under your home folder in the ~/.wine directory. Thisfolder can be overridden by setting the WINEPREFIX environmentvariable.

  • Wine menu entries and icons are stored under your home directory inthe ~/.local/share/applications/wine and ~/.local/share/iconssubdirectories.

  • To use windows applications with your Kobo eReader, the eReader mustfirst be connected to your computer and mounted at/media/your-user-name/KOBOeReader or /media/KOBOeReaderbefore you start the application.

  • Note that many file managers will automatically mount the KoboeReader if you click on the KOBOeReader device listing in the filemanager.

  • When I have my Kobo eReader connected and then start up a wineapplication, a new drive letter is mapped to the KOBOeReader. Thisnew drive letter will not work with Windows applications because itis not of type Floppy disk. This is why I documented above how tocreate a permanent drive mapping with type Floppy disk. Thispermanent drive mapping must be the first/media/your-user-name/KOBOeReader or /media/KOBOeReaderdrive mapping.

Install Adobe Digital Editions

In the following steps we will install the Adobe Digital Editions(ADE) application.

Install ADE Prerequisite Software

  1. Ensure wine variables are set (as done previously). For example:

  2. Install dotnet35sp1 needed by ADE 3.0.

    When I installed dotnet35sp1, three files were not automaticallydownloaded by the winetricks script. Instead the script promptedme to manually download the files, place these in the appropriate~/.cache/winetricks/ subdirectory, and then rerun the script.

    To avoid this hassle, you can pre-download these files and placethese in the required subdirectories.

    Note that if the install process fails, you can restart fromscratch by removing the WINEPREFIX directory.
    For example: rm -rf ~/.wine-ade3

    A. Download and save netframework3.exe fromNet Framework 3.0,and move to cache directory.

    B. Download and save msxml3.msi fromMicrosoft XML Parser 3.0 Service Pack 7,and move to cache directory.

    C. Download and save (SourceForge),and move to cache directory.

    D. Finally install dotnet35sp1.

    This can take a while due to the large size of some of theinstall files.

  3. Install windowscodecs needed by ADE 3.0.

  4. Install corefonts.

Install Adobe Digital Editions and Authorize Computer

  1. DownloadDigital Editions 3.0 Windows 5.9 MB.

  2. Install ADE 3.0.

    Follow the prompts as directed. For example:

    • In Adobe Digital Editions 3.0.1 Setup: License Agreement window,check I accept the terms in the License Agreement, and clickNext.

    • In Adobe Digital Editions 3.0.1 Setup window, leave thedefaults for Select desired options, and click Next.

    • In Adobe Digital Editions 3.0.1 Setup window, leave thedefault for Destination Folder, and click Install.

    • In Adobe Digital Editions 3.0.1 Setup window, when theinstall completes, click Close.

    ADE 3.0 should now start running.

  3. Authorize ADE

    Select Help -> Authorize Computer...

    With eBook Vendor set to Adobe ID, enter in your AdobeID and Passsword, and then click Authorize.

    At Your Computer Has Been Authorized, click OK.

  4. Close ADE.

    Select File -> Exit.

Authorize Kobo eReader

Ade 3.0 Download Mac Download

  1. Connect your Kobo eReader.

    Plug your Kobo eReader into your computer using the USB cable, andensure that it is mounted at /media/your-user-name/KOBOeReader.

    To check if the KOBOeReader is mounted, start a file manager (K-> System -> Dolphin) and click on KOBOeReader on theleft-hand-side.

    When the KOBOeReader is mounted it should display a greencheckmark beside the KOBOeReader Excel 2007 mac download free. listing.

  2. Start up ADE.

    In KDE, the menu option is: K --> Wine --> Programs --> Adobe Digital Editions 3.0.

    NOTE: No Menu or Desktop Entry for Adobe Digital Editions?
    If there is no wine menu entry for Adobe Digital Editions, thenlogout and login.

  3. Transfer an eBook from ADE to authorize eReader.

    Transferring an eBook from Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) to youreReader will authorize it with the same account orAdobe ID as your computer.

    Note that the next step shows how to do this with a libraryeBook.

    TIP: How to Deauthorize ADE on your Kobo eReader?
    If you ever need to deauthorize ADE on your Kobo eReader, in ADEselect KOBOeReader and use the key combination inCtrl+Shift+E. This will bring up a dialog asking if youwish to deauthorize your Kobo eReader.

Download Library Book and Transfer to Kobo eReader

The following steps were successfully tested on Feb. 25, 2017 with theCalgary Public Library which to provide the eBook service.

  1. Download Protected eBook (.ascm file).

    Login to your local library, select an eBook in .epub format, thendownload and save the .ascm file.

  2. Ensure your Kobo eReader is connected via USB cable to yourcomputer, and that the Kobo eReader is mounted. See prior stepAuthorize Kobo eReader.

  3. Copy the .acsm file to ADE.


    A. Open a file manager and double-click on the .acsm file.

    This should start the book downloading in ADE.


    B. Open ADE and open a file manager and drag the .acsm fileand drop it into the right-hand pane of the Adobe Digital Editionswindow.

    In this screen shot the file is namedMedusaDeception9780992115005.acsm and stored by default in the~/Downloads directory.

  4. The eBook will download to your computer and display in ADE.

    Note that the eBook is not yet on your Kobo eReader.

  5. Click on the Library view icon in the upper left-hand cornerof the ADE window.

    If All Items is not selected, then click on All Items.

  6. Click on the eBook icon in the right-hand pane and drag it anddrop it on Kobo eReader on the left-hand pane under Devices.

    This will copy the eBook to your Kobo eReader.

  7. Close ADE and safely disconnect Kobo eReader.

    • Close ADE

    • Safely unmount your Kobo eReader using the file manager.
      For example in Dolphin, right-click on the KOBOeReader entryand select the option to Safely Remove 'KOBOeReader'.

    • Disconnect the USB cable from your eReader.

You are now ready to enjoy reading your new library book on your KoboeReader. :-)


Often you can ignore the messages that wine or winetricks spews tothe terminal. However if you encounter problems with installing orrunning windows programs then this is the first place to look for thecause of the issue.

If ADE 3.0.1 is not working correctly for you, then it is possiblethat one of the prerequiste files did not download correctly.

If one of the checksums does not match, then remove the file and gothrough the installation steps again.


Following are checksums for the files used in this tutorial:

Checksums for ~/.cache/winetricks Directory

These are the minimum files that should be in the cache. If you haveinstalled other windows programs then there may be additionalsubdirectories and files.

Note that the commands are shown after the $ prompt.

Checksum for ADE_3.0_Installer.exe File

Desktop Icon Does Not Start ADE

If the above file checksums match and ADE does not start from thedesktop icon or start menu, then you might have multiple ADEinstallations.

To ensure only one copy of ADE is installed, be sure toUninstall All Previous ADE Versions from all of theWINEPREFIXes used on your computer.

Next remove the ~/.wine-ade3 directory with:

Finally, try installing ADE starting from the top of this tutorial.


For years I have successfully downloaded EPUB eBooks from the libraryusing ADE 1.7.2 and transferred these to my Kobo eReader to enjoy.

Sometime near November 30, 2016, ADE 1.7.2 stopped downloading EPUBeBooks from my library ( provides this service) and insteaddisplays a dialog with Error #2038:

IO Error on Network Request.
Please check your network connection and try again.
Error #2038.

Because this also started happening to other members of my family nearthe same time, I suspect something changed outside of our computers,and instead with the servers or infrastructure that provides thelibrary service.

After several days of trying different combinations of ADE versionsand WINE versions, I finally was able to once again download EPUBsusing ADE 3.0.1 and WINE 1.6.

Because I am still able to download sample eBooks from Adobe's websitewith ADE 1.7.2, and because others have reported success using newerversions of ADE (3.0+) to download eBooks from the library, I highlysuspect that something changed with that prevents theuse of ADE 1.7.2.

Update 2016-12-10: Change in .acsm file communication protocol

I believe I might have discovered the reason why people with existingADE installations (mine was ADE 1.7.2) have suddenly become unable todownload EPUB eBooks from the library.

The reason is a recent change in the .acsm file in the<operatorURL> stanza from http:// to https:// securesocket layer communication.

This change must have been implemented on the servers which providethe library eBook lending service and create the .acsm files. Myguess is that ADE 1.7.2 does not support https:// communication.

This change in communication protocol would explain why many peopleusing ADE 1.7.2 have suddenly experienced problems downloading libraryEPUB eBooks.


While researching this tutorial I found the following referencesuseful:

For security and privacy reasons, we strongly suggest downloading Adobe Digital Editions version 3.0 rather than Adobe Digital Editions version 4.+

  1. Go to the Adobe Digital Editions download page and scroll down until you see Download Adobe Digital Editions 3.0. Click on that link.
  2. Select Windows or Mac download.

To install on Windows:

  1. Double-click on the downloaded ADE Installer to open. When prompted, click Run, and follow the installation instructions.

2. Adobe Digital Editions Install will launch and display a license agreement. Check off 'I accept the terms in the License Agreement', then Next.

3. Select which options you wish to install. (If you don't wish to install desktop shortcuts or other quick launch options, you may uncheck them here. The Adobe Digital Editions program will still be available in your Start Menu). Click Next.

4. If desired, click Browse to select where to install Adobe Digital Editions. Otherwise, click Install.

To install on Mac:

  1. Double-click on the downloaded ADE Installer to open. Double-click again to install, and follow the installation instructions.
  2. Once the installation files have been downloaded, Adobe Digital Editions Setup will open. Double-click the Adobe Digital Editions installer to launch.
  3. Adobe Digital Editions Install will launch and display a license agreement. Click Continue, then Agree.
  4. If desired, click Change Install Location to select where to install Adobe Digital Editions. Otherwise, click Install.

Authorizing your computer

For many advanced functions, such as transferring or reading e-books that use Adobe Digital Editions DRM (like those from our library collections) between up to 3 computers and other devices, you must activate your Adobe Digital Editions with your Adobe ID. (Do not authorize if you are on a public computer.) For more information, go to the Creating an Adobe ID box in the right-hand column of this page.

  • If you have an Adobe ID, go to Help > Authorize Computer, enter your Adobe ID and password, and click Authorize.
  • If you want to create an Adobe ID, go to Help > Authorize Computer, and click get an Adobe ID online.

Finally, click Activate.